Says it all. Adventures of a first time mom with her ever growing little boy named Ziggy. Doing this to chronicle our little boy's life and to share whatever I can to other moms. I know it's always helpful hearing firsthand experiences from other moms, this is my part :)

Friday, September 05, 2008

Missing being Pregnant

For a few months already I've been seeing or hearing news about friends and family getting pregnant. I suddenly missed that feeling. It's such a wonderful feeling.

I know that right now I'm in the middle of a marital dilemma/problem/situation, and it's definitely not wise to be having a child (in any means!) right now. For some reason, after about 2 years of my husband asking me for a baby girl (and me saying no for a lot of different reasons), I'm the one who wants one and well he's the one who doesn't even know if he wants to stay :(

What are the odds.... :(

Everytime I see a little girl, especially since my little kiddo started going to school, and I keep seeing little girls running around in cute little dresses with their bouncy black, brown or blonde curly locks with all the possible cuteness in the world ... i have been sooo yearning for one!

I have been craving for some peace and quiet around the house because this little boy's becoming well.. a BOY. Rowdy, noisy, unpredictable, imaginative and unstoppable!

I know girls can be very much the same, but well...i know they won't be as unstoppable. :p If she takes on MY genes.. hahah my son obviously took on his dad's genes and everything else, save for my eyes.

*sigh* when will God bless us with a better marriage and a little girl. I'm praying for the first one first.. obviously :p

your prayers or whatever you do to wish for things to happen are also welcome! :p

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