Says it all. Adventures of a first time mom with her ever growing little boy named Ziggy. Doing this to chronicle our little boy's life and to share whatever I can to other moms. I know it's always helpful hearing firsthand experiences from other moms, this is my part :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A spoonful of Sugar doesn't work!!

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down... -- Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins said to help the kids down some disgusting tasting medicine -- a spoonful of sugar will do. Or maybe even honey or chocolate syrup. I've been trying that and more to get my son to drink his medicine and at least lower that rising temperature he has... but none of them work!

I used to just add the medicine to his milk, but he doesn't want to drink milk :( which is really alarming because he NEVER passes on his milk any time of the day.

Then I tried giving it to him with some chocolate drink, he threw up.

Tried giving it to him straight through that tiny measuring cup... he'd squirm and scream.

Lastly we tried using a medicine dropper to directly put it in his mouth. It worked... for about 5 minutes until he threw up again :(

Oh man. I know medicine isn't candy, but how oh how can I get him to drink his medicine?? He desperately needs it and I don't want to resort to a suppository. sheesh.. he's uncomfortable enough.


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