Says it all. Adventures of a first time mom with her ever growing little boy named Ziggy. Doing this to chronicle our little boy's life and to share whatever I can to other moms. I know it's always helpful hearing firsthand experiences from other moms, this is my part :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Making statements with his shirts

Shirts sent by his grandfather from NJ. :)

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Thursday, November 08, 2007


I know, i know. Haven't updated in ages. BUSY is not an excuse anymore. It's not even just a state i'm in within a week or a month. It's almost how I'm living now :(

oh well.. no matter how busy, i still make it a point this little one takes the number 1 spot in my priority list.

He's growing bigger and bigger! the other day while I was carrying him, I realized how LONG / Tall he's grown! his feed are now below my knees so it's difficult walking around while carrying him.

anyway, if you want to see pix of this little one (or ours in general) we have an "espresso" blog. Short, simple but strong hahaha

A mobile blog (thanks to our Sony Ericsson phones :p).

here are some other pix of the little one. :)