Says it all. Adventures of a first time mom with her ever growing little boy named Ziggy. Doing this to chronicle our little boy's life and to share whatever I can to other moms. I know it's always helpful hearing firsthand experiences from other moms, this is my part :)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ziggy's coming out of the closet..

Literally! :)

last night while i was getting impatient with this little one asking him to go to sleep because mommy herself is too sleepy already, he went walking around the room straight to our open closet.. he went inside, stood there while i kept on asking him to go to sleep already. Whenever i call his name with a stern voice he'd shake a bit like i startled him as if he's guilty of doing something. after a minute... here's wha he did..

and insisted he stayed..

but of course.. mommy wins!

that's my little prince's story!


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