Says it all. Adventures of a first time mom with her ever growing little boy named Ziggy. Doing this to chronicle our little boy's life and to share whatever I can to other moms. I know it's always helpful hearing firsthand experiences from other moms, this is my part :)

Monday, February 07, 2005


We HAVEN't Found a Yaya..

the yaya we found.. left after 24 hours... saying he misses her cousin / bestfriend too much and she's lonely..

umm.. ok. our house isn't that lonely.. and we're all friendly happy noisy people! and ziggy's just the cutest!

oh well.. to anybody reading this.. HELP! we need a HELPER or Yaya ASAP!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont understand how the yaya could have left after seeing ziggy.sooooooooooooooooooobrang cute ng batang yan no!bait pa.

6:56 PM

Blogger Hazel aka Zizzy said...

oh well.. ganun talaga kahirap maghanap ng yaya...

5:36 AM


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