Says it all. Adventures of a first time mom with her ever growing little boy named Ziggy. Doing this to chronicle our little boy's life and to share whatever I can to other moms. I know it's always helpful hearing firsthand experiences from other moms, this is my part :)

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


This from my husband's note while i was sleeping...

while you were sleeping, after i ate my lunch, ziggy was in the sala in the
stroller being his usual wordy daldal smiley self. so while i was exchanging
grins and coos with him, i was imitating his facial expressions as well. then he
slowly squinted his eyes, crumpled his nose and opened his mouth in preparation
for a would-be monumental sneeze. So i did the same thing; squinted my eyes,
crumpled my nose and faked a sneeze. only problem is, i didn't seem to hear HIS
sneeze. so i opened my eyes, and i saw him staring wide-eyed at me with the
blankest of expressions. i said to him, "where's the sneeze ziggy boy?"then he
grinned the broadest grin i've seen on him yet and he let out the most sinister
of giggles.tuts, we've spawned a incredibly cute, deviously devilish
monster prankster to be.

Oh he's a little monster alright. Just imagine the things he's going to do weeks, months and YEARS from now!

BUT.. we're Proud Parents. More than proud as a MAT-TER-OF-FACT!


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